Saturday, 3 January 2009

Best film evah?

I know it's being sold as the reunited couple from Titanic, but this is based on a stunning book and if it is even half as good as that it should be one of the films of the year. though possibly not much fun.


Ben said...


One to buy on DVD but NEVER watch

Looce said...

Noooooooooo! It's an amazing book, it could be an amazing film. Mind you, now that a few people I know have trickled along to see Australia it turns out they are raving about it - so what do I know?

Rob said...

I totally did not register that they were both in Titanic, dur. Mind you I have never seen that and must admit I'm unlikely to go and see this one either. Not enough killer robots from the future for my liking. I hope you're listening James Cameron.