Monday, 22 December 2008

The leader of the free world

And amen to that

You see that plane crash survivor?

That's you that is


Finally, I can see that understanding maths might serve a purpose.

NORAD tracks santa

The fun side of the industrial-military complex.

Cool Music In Hereford Shock

Saw these guys last night. At the Green Dragon of all places.
I like them, they are good.

Supporting Robyn Hichcock. Who I also thought was very good.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Wednesday, 17 December 2008


Do you know, just this morning I was speculating about not reading the Daily Mail online any more, since it is clearly bad for my soul. But then I'd miss stuff like this:

Saturday, 13 December 2008

And now for something rather wonderful

All of the commercial flights in the world in 24 hrs in 72 seconds

If you see what I mean

And in lovely new widescreen too

Friday, 12 December 2008

And Happy Birthday Mouse. 40 years of RSI

from the sublime to the ridiculous, I am kind of insulted that these guys are from the West Country. Is it more believable that we rural types would do something so insanely cruel?

Belatedly; Goodbye Oliver Postgate

Just the best.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Emmy the great

She is

just don't Google Amy the Great: other, weirder stuff appears.