Saturday, 29 November 2008

Link problem, try this

Oh the crapulence

England is still a world leader, in tat.

Thursday, 27 November 2008


In remembrance of Thanksgivings past

God bless the constitution

I love this, basically for the two reasons that the complain is unlikely to be taken up. The first one makes me laugh, the second is the sort of thing that reminds you that maybe just occasionally they're right to be proud of themselves.

Piss ups in breweries

Isn't it nice to know that they are fucking things up right to the last minute?

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Geek alert

For us geeks

It's a boring broadcast and yet it's so cool

Ok it isn't a cat coming closer to the camera but it is a little piece of history in the making.

Friday, 14 November 2008

He he he 

Cats are funny

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Bungle Boogie

Went to see Tim Minchin yesterday and he is very good indeed.

It's a robot that costs $30,000 and can be used for psycological experiments... or dancin it would seem.

Those 'kooky' murderer guys
UK cycling web forum. Good place to advertise a charity bike ride....

Wednesday, 12 November 2008

It's the headline I like

Big O is watching you.

I have just discovered that if you follow Barack Obama on Twitter he will follow your ass right back. You would think he had better things to do.
I feel really bad about blocking him but I had too. I can't handle that kind of presure, he has very high standards, what if I said or did something to dissapoint him?

A mash up too far?

Radio 4: love it

Fags, mags and bags is returning.

Now you have very dodgy taste in terms of radio comedy but surely we can agree that this is genius

Slow, slow, quick, quick

Great blog but votes are needed for the slogan. I favour "relax, enjoy yourself, you're on a bicycle for heaven's sake".

Also want to know what the Los Angeles Fire Department is up to? Now you do

And: kids these days. Why can't they just hang around on park benches getting drunk and smoking tabs like we used to?

and 6 speed hub in January (?)
